And that’s a wrap! – Tips, Fears, and Conclusions After Moving Out

British Columbia snowcapped mountains and clouds taken from a plane.

I’m not actually in a plane right now, it’s an image from when I came here to add to the idea o… you get the idea…

It’s been three months now, and I soon return to all that was once familiar – Toronto, Ontario.

That said, we’ve been through a lot – first term of the university adventure, living in a random family’s home office (and then their guest bedroom with a day’s notice), and most importantly, moving halfway across the country, expecting everything to quite similar (considering it is the same country) but realizing the only thing familiar to you is the Tim Horton’s French Vanilla you got that one time. But, if you can’t learn anything from it all, then what’s it all for?

I’ve learned a lot. Here is my condensed list of tips, tricks, and advice for moving out of your childhood home for the first time, living in a Homestay, and starting university. Obviously, you won’t live the same timeline as I, but I hope you can still take a thing or two away from this:

  1. You’re going to have days where you’re crying wishing for almost anything but what you have. And that’s okay. There’s a lot I can say here, but I’d rather say: you’ll get through this, keep your head high and realize younger you wanted this; there’s a reason you’re here.
  2. Know the difference between a bad prof and bad study habits. Can’t blame it on the guy that reminds you of Theodore Shackleford from Curious George if you haven’t done the work yourself.
  3. Always have snacks, water, and a charged phone (or at least a power bank and charger) on you. Who knows where you’ll end up, how long you’ll be there for, or how many kids will pull the “do you have games on your phone?🤓” along the way.
  4. You’re going to get tons of looks. Like, seriously, a lot of looks. It’s going to seem as though everyone knows you’re not a local, even though you could definitely pass as one by looks and language. It’s going to feel like they’ve just peered into your soul, know everything about you and your bloodline, and can smell your foreign-ness from beyond social-distancing lengths. But remember, they’re just some random fool (sometimes more foreign than you) and you deserve to be where you are just as much as the next person because you worked for it. Or, the fact that people are staring is just in your head (happens all the time, no matter where you are).
  5. Compartmentalize + prioritize yourself. This means your physical, mental, and emotional health, balance, and social life. You can’t do what you were set out to do if you’ve stuck yourself in your bed because you’re sick for the third time this month, or because you chose to be a bed bug for days on end. Focus on what’s on hand, don’t listen to music if it means you get to think things through while you’re awake, instead of struggling to sleep at night. Technology allows us to be a call or text away from all our family and friend support systems from across the world – take advantage of it. And, for my fellow toxic productivity folk, rest is productive (as long as its mindful).
  6. Moving may or may not be a dopamine detox – take advantage of it. When I first moved here, I realized that my screen time went from a few hours on social media to hours on Apple Maps. I wasn’t scrolling on Instagram as much, or watching YouTube videos while I ate, I was simply living in the moment no matter where I was, without even realizing it – it was fantastic. Only recently did I realize it may have been because I was already overstimulated from all these new discoveries around me that I had no reason to get my daily overstimulation elsewhere, but I’m very happy with how I’ve changed in that sense. I wish my detox could’ve maintained itself for a little longer, so now that I know what it was like and how to be there again, I plan to implement these changes into my everyday life.

Next up, I have created a list of worries that I have moving forward, so that others that can relate can find that they are not alone.

  1. What if home doesn’t feel like home anymore? I’ve seen many things about how after moving away, nothing is familiar anywhere – each place and person within continues on while you’re away, regardless of what you do. But I have also seen people say going home is there reset, and I have high hopes that this is the same for me. My parents have already received my list of foods, clothes, and everything else that I need when I come back (mummy’s cooking, new clothes because I somehow grew out of half of my wardrobe at 18???, and my comforter because duvets are horrible).
  2. Will leaving home in January be difficult? I doubt it will be, but leaving again after just returning is such a foreign experience to me, I can’t even begin to imagine it. I think it will be okay – I know what I want from life and I’m ready to take the steps to get there, including doing the hard and uncomfortable sometimes.
  3. Will it ever get easier for my family (and friends)? This, I have no idea. The least I will do is continue to call them regularly, as it is my reset as much as it is theirs. Who knows what really happens for the parents of the youngest and girl of the family who just moved halfway across the country – I ain’t no parent to know. We’ll just see how it goes.

Nervousness and excitement have the same physiological symptoms: a fast heart rate, increased body temperature, and perhaps jitteriness. So, although I do have these worries, I like to say that I am always excited for is next in life – I like to keep moving. I can’t wait to see what I have in store for myself next.

This is the last of my blog posts, but I will continue to keep up with my social media accounts, including my Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter, as well as Twitch if I get my facilities back one day (sobbing).

Thank you to everyone that has supported me thus far and I wish you all good health and the best in your future endeavours <3

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