Week 10 Process Post

The view of the night sky, lights, water, and boats taken from a downtown rooftop.

In today’s PUB 101 lecture, we explored and completed two Google Analytics tutorials. Both of which were short, simple, and very informative.

As a freelance YouTube and social media video editor, I am quite familiar with other forms of analytic tools beyond Google. I have gotten well acquainted with understanding each individual’s target market, their content, and their resulting metrics, then using this information towards editing their content and providing advice on how to move forward. For example, for a creator that requests video essays on popular creator scandals, I understand that their viewers are more likely to watch their videos when they return home from school, around 4pm. Then, depending where the creator is based, in PST or EST usually, I will advise them to post the video around 6-7pm EST, being 3-4pm PST – seemingly the sweet spot for a peak in views.

That said, I really enjoy studying and making use of analytics and algorithms. It was interesting to learn about how these tools can be used towards business, too.

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