And that’s a wrap! – Tips, Fears, and Conclusions After Moving Out

I’m not actually in a plane right now, it’s an image from when I came here to add to the idea o… you get the idea… It’s been three months now, and I soon return to all that was once familiar – Toronto, Ontario. That said, we’ve been through a lot – first term of… Continue reading And that’s a wrap! – Tips, Fears, and Conclusions After Moving Out

I lived in a random family’s home office – here’s what happened

This one will be a doozy… On March 26, 2023, I accepted an offer to my dream university. This meant that I was moving halfway across the country from where I had lived my entire 18 years of existence – from Toronto, Ontario to Vancouver, British Columbia. Little did younger, naive me know that, I… Continue reading I lived in a random family’s home office – here’s what happened

The Fear of Postponing Happiness

“Do I delay my lifelong dreams for current responsibilities or… wait… what’s the “or”? This question has hovered and burned through brain about million times over the last year or two, more so since moving to Vancouver. I have dreams of becoming an entrepreneur, on my own hours and expectations, working for myself and with… Continue reading The Fear of Postponing Happiness

Week 1 Process Post

This week in Publication of Self in Everyday Life (PUB 101), we were challenged to initiate, or at least engage, in an interaction with a stranger. Luckily, not only am I outgoing to begin with but this is the week where all Business majors, like myself, are to participate in a three-day convention to meet… Continue reading Week 1 Process Post

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