Week 2 Process Post

The view of a cloudy sky, trees faint mountains, the skyline, and the Terry Fox Field taken from the Rotunda Roof at Simon Fraser University (SFU) Burnaby campus.

In today’s PUB 101 lecture, we created a vision board for ourselves and our website. To my surprise, I found this simple activity incredibly difficult. I wanted to upload a picture of my vision board here but frankly, it ended up just being a list of all the words I would attribute to myself, the things I find interest in, and whom I value most. It was nearly impossible to make things connect – I like to say that all aspects of my life (school, friends, family, work, personal) are all connected in some way, but I do also value work-life separation and overall balance greatly. Although my friends and family are connected as my personal support units, I couldn’t connect them because they support me in different things and in different ways. My friends are associated with my work as a freelance video editor, but my family doesn’t know anything about that part of me. My family helps with school costs and sometimes gets caught up on the content of my classes, but my friends know about both the pleasantries as well as the struggles of university.

It may seem clear, just connect friends and family, then connect work to friends blah blah blah – but its more than that. Its the fact that I would be literally connecting things on a paper that scares me – I don’t want to connect what shouldn’t be connected.

It could easily be much simpler than I’m making it, but I’ll stick to my guns on this one.

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