Week 11 Process Post

Our final PUB 101 lecture covered topics of AI, a quiz to test our knowledge on the purpose of AI and AI-related topics, as well as an activity to discuss certain impacts of AI on life and pose a relevant question to the class. My group’s activity topic was AI and creativity – is AI… Continue reading Week 11 Process Post

Week 10 Process Post

In today’s PUB 101 lecture, we explored and completed two Google Analytics tutorials. Both of which were short, simple, and very informative. As a freelance YouTube and social media video editor, I am quite familiar with other forms of analytic tools beyond Google. I have gotten well acquainted with understanding each individual’s target market, their… Continue reading Week 10 Process Post

Week 9 Process Post

Today’s lecture featured a presentation from Trevor Battye, another SFU professor, about marketing and monetization. Topics included examples of work and talks from Peter Thiel, Seth Goblin, and Steve Jobs. I loved his book and content suggestions from these individuals as I find them to be very refined and inspirational, based on my minimal research… Continue reading Week 9 Process Post

Week 8 Process Post

Today’s lecture covered the topics of copyright and artificial intelligence. In my opinion, the most interesting topic from the lecture was the discussion about Naruto vs. David Slater – it makes me wonder how the world is even real… In simple terms, Naruto is a monkey that got hold of a camera and was ‘talented’… Continue reading Week 8 Process Post

Week 7 Process Post

In today’s lecture, we enjoyed a short and sweet presentation on Giving a Voice to Your Writing from a classmate, Eva Delgado, then delved into the realities of fake news, including misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. We then participated in an activity in which we were given headlines to research and determine whether or not they… Continue reading Week 7 Process Post

Week 6 Process Post

Today’s lecture featured a brilliant guest speaker, Mauvé Page, who discussed the specificities of design principles, critiquing, and typefaces, for both print and digital interfaces. Throughout the lecture, I found myself connecting back to my memories of elementary school. In grade two, we were told to start finding our own books based on our own… Continue reading Week 6 Process Post

Week 4 Process Post

This week, I am to consider my audience and how my idea of such has impacted my plans for content. I, once again, find this activity and thought process unimaginably difficult. I find passion for creating so many different kinds of content – every day lifestyle short and long-form content, video game content, and perhaps… Continue reading Week 4 Process Post

Week 3 Process Post

In this week’s class and prior readings, we discussed where our content will live and how our websites will be designed – but I started to think more about my content beyond livingwithrajah.com. For years I have been obsessed with the lifestyle of a content creator, or perhaps a social media manager – its what… Continue reading Week 3 Process Post

Week 2 Process Post

In today’s PUB 101 lecture, we created a vision board for ourselves and our website. To my surprise, I found this simple activity incredibly difficult. I wanted to upload a picture of my vision board here but frankly, it ended up just being a list of all the words I would attribute to myself, the… Continue reading Week 2 Process Post

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